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Event Blogging: How to become a successful event blogger

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Event blogging is something very popular in debates of webmasters and bloggers nowadays. In-fact it’s kind of a new invention in the blogging world. People have seen many event bloggers claiming that they have earned more than 20,000 page views with just a new blog without doing SEO and building links. Probably, you would have seen many snippets of Google adsense earnings, right?

But many of people around internet really don’t know that what event blogging really is and how this system works. So today I will be talking about event blogging and I will also share the technique from which event bloggers earn so much traffic and money.
Event Blogging: How to become a successful event blogger?
Here’s an snippet of Google adsense earning which I saw few days ago.

Event Blogging: How to become a successful event blogger?

What is event blogging?

The first question you have in your mind is that what is event blogging. Well, to make it easy for you to understand I will wrap everything in these two lines:
An event blogger is a blogger who writes about special events such as Release of a new mobile phone by a company, Sports events(Football World Cup, etc).
So that is what an event blogger is, He writes about current events to get traffic from Google and Google shows his posts or articles in top of SERPs because they have nothing more to show up in the results.

How does the system work?

Well, the system is quite easy to understand. Look, when an event happens there is not much present on internet about it. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo hits an amazing goal in a match against Brazil in Football world cup and everyone wants to see that goal again and again. So what will they do?
They will search it on Google and their keyword can be like this “Ronaldo goal against Brazil” or “Ronaldo goal against Brazil in world cup”, right? So if you are an event blogger and you already have a blog about football world cup — then your first priority will be to publish the video of that particular goal on your blog, and then submit it in Google index.
So whenever someone searches about “Ronaldo goal against Brazil” Google will direct him to your blog because there is nothing much present on the internet already.
So actually what an event blogger does is that he writes about those particular events which are popular amongst internet surfers and there is no competition for the keywords of that event.

How does an event blogger earns money?

An event blogger largely focus on Google adsense to earn money from his blog. So as much pageviews and clicks he will get as much earnings he will have in his Google adsense account.
So it’s very easy to understand. It’s pretty similar to ordinary blogging. However, the idea of getting more traffic from search engine is different from normal niche blogs.

How to become an event blogger?

This is the question which should be hovering in your mind right now. Actually, it’s pretty easy to become an event blogger but first let me tell you that what an ordinary event blogger will do.
First he will buy a rich keyword domain for that particular event about which he is going to write. So let’s say that I want to start an event blog — then the first thing I will need to do is to search for an event for which everyone is looking for.
Let’s assume that the next month there will be a new release of an Andriod version from Google and the Andriod version is called “Butterfly” — then as a smart event blogger I will first buy a rich keyword domain which will look like this “andriodversionbutterfly .com”.
Next I will make a new blog for the domain and will write some informative stuff about “Butterfly” on my blog, and then finally I will submit it to Google index.
So now whenever someone will search for “new andriod version butterfly” — Google will show my blog in top SERPs because it’s the exact match of the keyword and Google has nothing more to show the user therefore I will earn some decent traffic and some good revenue from Google adsense.
So that’s how you make event blogs. But it’s not necessary to buy separate domains for every single event because this will not be easy for you to manage all those domains.
Let’s say you want to write about 100 different events in a year, So will you make 100 different blogs? Surely no. At-least I will not do it because these domains will be irrelevant and will be equal to spam after that particular event will pass away.
In some cases you can easily get great amount of traffic from Google without buying an EMD(exact match domain). Just write an article about a particular event on your current blog and implement some  basic on-page SEO on your article and you will be fine.


One final thing you will need to consider when making an event blog is that you need to place your Google adsense ads at right places in order to boost your Google adsense earnings.

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