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How to boost your Google adsense earnings

Sunday, January 26, 2020
How to boost your Google adsense earnings?
One of the most asked questions by bloggers is that how they can increase their adsense earnings. A few days ago I read a forum post where few bloggers were talking about increasing Google adsense earnings. 
Since it is an all time trending topic, I decided to write a blog post about it.
Note: But before start reading it let me clear some small things to you. I am not going to share any kind of black hat trick from which you can earn a few hundred dollars in just a click. We will only talk about those legal ways from which you can boost your adsense earnings.
So, as I said first we are not going to talk about any black hat trick, neither I will ask you to click adsense ads by your own. All we will focus is placing of adsense ad banners.
Yes, it is just a matter of placing ads on the right places. This is the biggest lesson which I learned on the forum. First I was not really serious about adsense but after I knew that how much potential adsense has I decided to rely on Google Adsense to monetize my blog therefore I used a few plugins to put these ads on the right places.
The idea is to place these ads on those parts of your blog where your users go the most to get more clicks from them. What mistake I did was that I never placed my adsense ads on those parts of my blog where my users were mostly engaged therefore I was losing a good amount of money every second. Thanks to Rahul Dubey who first noticed this mistake and then he told me.
So what are the most engaged areas of a blog?
The answer is: header, content area and sidebar.
So today we will learn that how we can place our ads on the right places to enhance our Google adsense earnings. 
For WordPress users we will use some plugins to put the ads on right places, as far as bloggger users are concerned they should read this.
If blogspot users have any further queries then let me know in comments. However, we will focus more on WordPress utilization to boost our adsene earnings.

Adding Google Adsense banners in Content

Our first plugin is Quick Adsense, a free to use plugin which helps users to place the adsense ad banners in between content area.
By using this plugin you can add adsense banners in the beginning, middle, end and after any paragraph of the post.
The post which you are reading right now is a good example of what I am talking about.
First you have to put your ad codes in some ad units which starts from 1 and ends to 10.
Just copy your adsense ad code and paste it in an ad unit”ads(n)”. Just like this:
adsense ads

After defining different ad codes for different ad units it is time to put them on the content area whether in start of the post or in the end of it. You need to assign these ad units”ads(n)” to your desired areas.(i.e. in beginning of the post, middle of the post or end of the post)
Just follow these steps:
google adsense ad placement
If you have done everything right then your ads should appear in the content area.

Adding Google Adsense banners in the Sidebar

Now it is time to put our Google adsense ads in the sidebar. Well anyone can do this easily without having much trouble.
Just go to the Appearance==>Widgets, choose Text widgets and add it to the primary or secondary widget bar then paste your adsense code in the content field.
adsense of the sidebar

Adding Google Adsense add in the header area

After adding your Google adsense ad banners in your blog, the next thing you need to do is to add a banner just below header.
You can do this easily by pasting the adsense ad code just after </head> tag.
Just go to your blog’s theme editor==>Header.php and paste your adsense code just below </head> tag.
adding adsense in header

If you are using Genesis framework then you should not touch anything in the editor area. Just use a plugin Genesis Simple hooks to ad your ad banner just after the header area or anywhere in your theme.
After installing the plugin move to Genesis==>Simple Edits and then search for
and paste your ad code in the empty field:
adding adsesnse ads in genesis
You can also use this plugin to add your Google adsense ad banners anywhere in your theme.


Again I will say that these small tricks will not boost your Google adsense earnings with a few hundred dollars in a day but they will ensure that whenever a user visits your blog then your ads are placed on a proper place which will increase the chances of your user clicking your ad banner. Just try to increase your traffic and you will find some rapid increase in your Google adsense earnings.
Thanks for your time, let me know about your queries by posting a small comment.

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