Many of you would have listened about earning money online. There are many ways to start earning money from your computer. One of them is Freelancing and it is probably the most easiest way to earn money online because you really don’t need to wait for so long and there is no investment required to start making money from Freelancing. All you need is some handful skills in which you are master.
Before starting with your freelancing career, first make sure that what skills you have in which you are master and which can help you to earn money. Let’s say you have two special skills, One is that you are a good painter and the second is that you are a good Adobe Photoshop designer. So what you will choose? Painting or Photoshop designing to make money online?
Surely, Painting will not be your choice because it does not make sense. How you can make a painting for a man sitting in South Africa from United Kingdom? And despite the fact we have reputed courier services like TCS and DHL who will transport your courier to the exact location, who will search online for an artist who can make paintings? They will rather go to an art gallery and buy a ready made painting from a reputed painter.
So Adobe Photoshop designing is far more better to start your free lancing career because you can supply your projects to the clients without even hiring a courier service. All you will need to do is to send your consignments to your clients with the help of any email service :).
So once your skill is been decided which will help you to make money, the next thing you will need to do is to find a suitable and efficient platform for you where you can find clients for yourself.
So here are some:
Let’s start with freelancer, Freelancer is an online platform which allows internet surfers to offer their skills online to a large number of customers to earn money. Basically, it’s a place where skilled people meet those people who are in search of their skills to satisfy their needs.
That is what a freelancer is, he doesn’t work under the supervision of a firm or company. All he does is that he works for firms and companies or different entities in his way. He’s the boss and he will choose his way to work. Although he must make sure that he fulfills his client’s demands and needs.
Let’s come back to Freelancer again, Freelancer has more than 15,442,113 registered users including both freelancers and customers. Freelancer is a Sweden based company which has earned lots of reputation online.
Whether you are a programmer, web developer, IT engineer or an article writer, you can earn a good amount of money by bidding for jobs.
Payment methods are Paypal, Skrill and Credit Card.
Elance is one of the most popular online freelancing platforms where you can find a client for yourself. You can join hundreds and thousands of other freelancers who are in search of work like you. With more than 100,000 potential customers Elance stands second in my list.
Whether you are a logo designer, programmer, web developer, article writer or an accounting expert, you can find hundreds of clients for yourself. First select a membership plan in your category of interest and create your profile.
Membership plans include Professional and Limited accounts each will cost from $59 to $1149 respectively.
Once you get registered, you can bid for different jobs. But one thing will be very important in order to get more work and that will be your profile. Make sure you have a good profile, fill all the details and give 100% information to Elance.
Now whenever you do a job for your client, make sure to get good feedback from him because these feedbacks will be the most important part for you to get more jobs in future.
UpWork(earlier known as Odesk), is one of the top freelancing websites. I believe Upwork will be the best platform for newbie freelancers. Upwork also has a very user friendly design and they have more than 2700 kinds of jobs available for freelancers.
They have more than 1 million clients therefore finding a job for yourself will be much easier than any other website.
Get a Coder
Get a coder stands on fourth position in my list because this website just offers services for programmers and web developers. If you have Javascript, HTML, CSS, AJAX, PHP and jQuery skills then “Get a coder” is the right place for you to start making money online.
Just visit their homepage, sign up and start finding consignments for yourself. All in all, get a coder is a heaven for programmers where clients are always present to offer jobs.
My final choice will be SimplyHired, despite the fact they have not as many customers as other freelancing websites have — but still they can be very efficient to find work online.
But one thing which makes SimplyHired very special is that you can find jobs in your local area with the help of their search tool. Just write your keywords and location and search for a relevant job.
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