For a successful society a nation needs different communities to represent different people having different Ideas. So as Blogging industry also has different Blogging communities. These communities allow Bloggers to gather up with each other and to share their ideas with every one present on the network. They can share their plans/ideas in shape of articles or they can post it on forums
But whatever source they use these communities are a gentle source to meet other bloggers and to share ideas. They are also helpful to generate traffic to your Blog. All you need to do is to share your article and try to promote it and then people will start coming onto your Blog or Website, all you need is a good title with some handsome description.
Today I am going to reveal 5 of my favourite communities which are very useful to connect with other Bloggers around your niche and to participate in different events. You can also earn great amount of traffic from these Blogging Communities.
1) BlogEngage
It is probably the most efficient community around the internet. I have heard many people talking about it and many have posted good reviews about BlogEngage. Unfortunately, There accounts are not free. You have to pay between 9.99 $ to 99.99 $ for different accounts who have different privileges. Although, They are premium but they offer a simple way from which you can get a free standard account. But I do not recommend that way to get an account since that has not worked for me. Read more about Blogengage here.
2) Kingged
Kingged.com is a newly established community which has thousands of registered users. This platform allows Bloggers to king(like) other people post if they found it useful or they can unking(dislike) the post if they found it rubbish. You can also share your content with other Kinggers all around the web. There account is completely free which is indeed a great thing. And you can earn decent amount of traffic from there, all you need is great content with great description.
3) ProBlogger
ProBlogger is also a great platform to meet others. Here you can do all the same things like you can do on other communities. Their account will cost you 27 $ per month or you can buy their account for an year for which you will get 38% discount and it will cost you 199 $ per year.
See what Paul Cunningham says about ProBlogger:
For as long as I’ve been blogging I’ve been following Darren Rowse. His Problogger blog helped me to understand blogging when I was first starting out, and helped me find my feet and my voice online. Over the years he has continued to inspire and educate me through his continued sharing of strategies and experiences with both Problogger and Digital Photography School. The entire Problogger team helps my blog and my business grow every year, and I’m proud to be a part of this community.
On ProBlogger community you will meet many other smart Bloggers like you. You can join live Webinars which are a great source of inspiration and you can also watch recorded once.
Here you can make friends and increase your Blog’s popularity by sharing and discussing other Blog’s article and by letting others know about yours. You can also find useful tools for Blogging.
4) ManageWp
Despite of others, I believe that ManageWp is far more superior community than others because it is specially designed for WordPress Users. You can join them for free and then all you need to do is to first read and then comment on other articles later you can share your own. However, As I said earlier that majority of the content is about WordPress so if you are a Blogspot or Tumblr user you may find no luck.
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