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Blog Promotion: 6 Best Places to Promote your Blog

Sunday, January 26, 2020
For the success of a Blog, one will need good amount of audience and new visitors. For this the administrator of the blog needs to promote his/her content on every single relevant platform to build new audience and to gather new visitors. So today I have a small tutorial for you guys which will help you to identify those places which can be helpful for you to get new visitors for your blog.
I will also share some fine places which can help you to improve your Search Engine Ranking to get more visitors from Google and Bing.
So here we start:


BlogEngage stands first in my list not just because it is one of the biggest communities for bloggers but also because BlogEngage is a PR 5 blog which will help you a lot in getting better rank in SERPs.
Consider yourself a pro blogger and share cool stuff, if you will be able to get good amount of likes for your posts then your post or article will be promoted to the first page and if it does, you will earn some good traffic and a PR 5 backlink for your blog.
And if you are a smart writer who shares informative stuff then chances of you getting tons of email subscribers and twitter followers from BlogEngage are very high.


Kingged is another Blogging community which is just build for bloggers. You can share your articles with other people and can have new visitors and quality promotion for your blog by just doing that.
An active member is likely to have more response from other bloggers on Kingged. So just be active and do share your views about other people stuff by posting some small comments to get them attached with yourself.
If you will be able to earn decent amount of thumbs up(which are called KINNGED in the community) then your article will be promoted to the home page, which means more traffic and more link juice.


Inbound is another awesome community where you can meet Bloggers, entrepreneurs, Webmasters and SEO experts. It’s not just a Blogging community. Inbound is a place where you can have a little bit of chit chat about different news with other inbound users.
You can join online Q&A sessions like Todd Garland(BuySellAds owner) started a few weeks ago.
You can share your stuff with other guys and they will visit your post or article or whatever it is. Meaning that you will have some decent amount of traffic. You will also gain some juicy links from Inbound community too.
But don’t share your stuff with Inbound community or you have sustain some manual suspensions. The idea is to share quality posts from other blogs too.


IndiBlogger is…. Yes, One another Blogging community which can help you to generate some good referral traffic for your Blog. However, I am not very inspired by their internal linking structure because of some bad experiences which I had with IndiBlogger.
Few days ago when I start exploring Outbound Links to my site I was shocked to see 8,969 links from IndiBlogger to my website. I was shocked because I never expected such a big chain of links from IndiBlogger to my blog because I never build these links.
So I had to disavow all those links because they were cheap in terms of quality and were putting some bad effects on my Search Engine Ranking.
So if you are SEO sensitive(well, who is not?) then you should be very very careful with IndiBlogger.

Facebook Groups and Pages

Facebook is the biggest ever Social media community where you can find different people from different fields, an engineer, a carpenter, a doctor or a photographer everyone is on Facebook. Same is with Bloggers and people who are somehow related to this industry.
So sharing your blog posts with Facebook Community will be an ideal practice to do in order to gain more momentum for your blog start-up as well as for traffic too. I have never used Facebook for link building but I have heard many people featuring these Web 2.0 sites for link building. So you can try your luck too, just make sure that the Page on which you are making links has PR 2, at-least.
But let us come back to our topic again. You can use Facebook Groups to build new audience. Just write something unique and useful and share it on Facebook groups to get more attention.
If you have some extra funds in your budget then do advertising on Facebook too.

Other Blogs

One another way to promote you as yourself and your blog as a separate entity is to post guest posts on other reputed and popular blogs from where you can engage new readers for your blog.
Guest Posting was first use as a very useful tool for link building but then Penguin 2.0 and 3.0 came into the scene and ruined everything therefore Bloggers stopped allowing guest posts on their blogs.
But now after a few months of consideration when people have more realization of these algorithm updates, things are getting better and you can easily find a place to post a guest post.
My recommendations are ShoutmeLoud and Problogger. You can also contact BlogEngage administrator Brian to ask him for a guest post opportunity on BlogEngage Blog or you can search on Google for some high PR blogs which allow guest posts.

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